Monday 16 June 2014


Dear Mr  School Teacher,

       I have gathered together some information and images for you regarding how Auroras occur, what they look like and where you can see them in Tasmania. 

       I have added some helpful links for you to external websites including Facebook Aurora groups with Frequently Asked Questions, and current Aurora Alert and Prediction websites from the Bureau of Meteorology.  I have also added a Twitter feed giving you the latest updates on where people have seen Auroras in Tasmania. 

       All content is child friendly and from reputable sources. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything else I can help you with.

                   Kind Regards

                                 Emily, your local library helper.


Social Media

Twitter 2014Aurora Australis TasmaniaTwitter, accessed 24 June 2014, <>.

Authority: Medium 
Scope/Coverage: Good for the topic
Currency: Very current


Ultimedia 2014, ‘Aurora Australis Tasmania’, Blog, accessed 24 June 2014, <>.

Authority:  Low (an avid enthusiast, very similar to this blog!)
Scope/Coverage: Wide
Currency: Within the last month


LittleSDOHMI. (2011). NASA SDO - Aurora; What Causes Them?. [Online Video]. 24 June. Available from: [Accessed: 19 May 2014].

Authority: High (Government body)
Scope/Coverage: Very good
Currency: Good for topic

TED-Ed, (2013). What is an aurora?. [video] Available at: [Accessed 23 May. 2014].

Authority: High (Educational)
Scope/Coverage:Very good
Currency:Good for topic

Google Maps

Google Maps. 2014. Tasmania (satellite). [Online]. [Accessed 19 May 2014]. Available from:

Authority:  Medium
Scope/Coverage:Covers all aspects required
Currency: Updated regularly


Cooper, T Tim Cooper Photography 2012Aurora AustralisPhotographFlickr, accessed 22 May 2014,<>. 
Authority: Low
Scope/Coverage: Good for topic
Currency: Current for topic

Aurora australis, Tasmania. (2009). [video] Available at:[Accessed 23 May. 2014].

Authority: Low
Scope/Coverage: Good for topic
Currency: Good for topic

News Article 

936 ABC Hobart 2014, A dedicated web cam at Cressy is going to help aurora chasers snap more sensational photos like these!, Facebook, 4 June, accessed 5 June 2014, <>.

Authority: Medium (reputable news source)
Currency:Within 1 month


Aurora Chasers Handbook2014 Margaret Sonneman, accessed 5 June 2014<>. 

Authority:  Medium 
Scope/Coverage: Broad
Currency: Current for topic

Web Pages