Images of Aurora Australis in Tasmania

Aurora Australis

Aurora Australis by Tim Cooper is licensed under Some Rights Reserved. No changes have been made to this image. Accessed on 8 May, 2014

Cooper, T Tim Cooper Photography 2012, Aurora Australis, Photograph, Flickr, accessed 22 May 2014, <>.

This Aurora Australis image was captured from East Ridgley, North-West Tasmania, on the 1st June 2013. It is a beautiful example of an Aurora seen in Tasmania.


 This is a video of an Aurora taken in Kingston,  Tasmania in 2004. I sourced it from Tony  on Flickr and it has Some Rights Reserved. 


1 comment:

  1. Looking good Emily! You've chosen such a gorgeous topic. Tim Cooper has some amazing photos in his flickr stream.
    Could you please just add a sentence about the Authority of these sources, and then I can mark you off for Image/Still on the checklist. :)

